Fire Damage To Your Home Or Business? Call In An Expert To Assess The Damage And Work With Your Insurance Company

With wildfires becoming a common threat in California, Oregon and most of the western U.S., it’s become important for homeowners and business owners to have access to experts like California Consultants who can help them assess the damage to their property, investigate deeper issues, and work with insurance companies and contractors to get them fixed quickly and correctly.

Fire damage can be a property owner’s worst nightmare, especially since initial fire-fighting efforts also cause extensive water damage to the structure – sometimes, to a greater extent than that of the fire.  Consequently, an owner is typically left with a structure that’s been damaged and compromised in various ways by fire, smoke and soot, and water.

Each of these damages contributes uniquely to an overall damage claim, and California Consultants can work closely with a homeowner’s insurance adjuster and/or legal team to accurately identify and assess all damages for maximum payout.

California Consultants has extensive investigative knowledge and experience with property damage claims related, but not limited to: fire, and water, as well as their various supplemental effects and damages such as structural failures, microbial growth, and resultant rot, degradation, and corrosion.

Contact California Consultants today to learn more about our services and how we can help you with structural damage from fire.