Given the significant impact of methane on the environment and human health, methane mitigation has become an essential service for a greener future. Methane mitigation refers to the process of reducing or eliminating methane emissions from various sources. By implementing effective methane mitigation strategies, we can reduce the warming potential of greenhouse gases, improve air quality, and protect ecosystems.

One of the primary sources of methane emissions is the construction industry. Construction activities such as excavation, land clearing, and building material production release substantial amounts of methane.  Which is why it’s important in all construction to employ a methane mitigation expert to consult on the project.

CA Consultants offers complete Methane Mitigation and consulting services for all types of construction.  Numerous techniques and technologies are available for mitigating methane emissions. These range from simple operational changes to advanced engineering solutions, and CA Consultants can assist in implementing all of these strategies.

Contact us today for more information on how we can assist in your methane mitigation needs.