The effort it takes to circumvent standard construction, and make the assembly functional is greater than the effort to build to the industry standards.

“Predictable watertightness has a critical path.”

At California Consultants, we suggest standard construction assemblies that have been predictably watertight over the decades rather than building an experiment.

In short….waterproofing success begins at construction of the structure.

California Consultants has been in business for over 30 years, and in this time we have teamed up with developers and architects alike to design full enclosure waterproofing systems that are not only specific to each waterproofing manufacturer’s requirements, but also specific to each project—which in the end, will always take a tremendous burden off of the developer and architectural design team.

From the roof, breezeways, curtain walls, podiums and planters, to below grade structures, it is imperative to keep each element of a building dry. Whether it’s a single family residence built into a hillside or a 40 story high-rise in the center of a major metropolitan city, California Consultants can successfully design the best watertight building envelope system for every type of project.

Contact us today for a consultation