Identifying A Water Intrusion

The CA Consultants team works much like a doctor for your property.  We diagnose the causes of issues, prescribe and implement a plan to fix them, and help our customers in maintaining the long-term health of their homes or buildings. There are many symptoms that help us diagnose a water leak or waterproofing issue at a property, these symptoms help us identify the problem, and setup a plan to fix them.

The most common symptoms identified are visible issues such as staining and growth, peeling paint and swelling, leaks & condensation and cracks in the walls, ceiling or foundation. Recognizing these symptoms early can help mitigate the damage and cost from a water leak.

Below is a list of symptoms one might see if their property has a water intrusion issue, if you have any of these at your home or building, contact CA Consultants today for an expert consultation

Water Leak Symptoms

Leaking windows and doors

Water coming inside

Windows fogging up

Interior trim swelling

Trim Rotting

Water Damage

Brown drops of water on window trim

Water on inside windows & doors from wind driven rain

No WRB (Weather Resistant Barrier)

No flashing

Reverse flashing

Flashing caulked in (No Egress)

Swelling boards

Mold with black small dots

Huge gaps or spacing in the joints/seams

Shrinking boards

Corners of siding boards cracking


Chalking/fly dust

Interior carpet-floor wet

Dry-rot/Mushrooms on boards     

Contact Us For An Expert Consultation

If you identify any of the symptoms above, or any other signs of a water leak at your home or building, contact our team of experts at CA Consultants today for a consultation.

Our experienced team will diagnose the issue, prescribe a plan to fix it, and establish long term care and monitoring should it be needed to make sure it doesn’t happen again.