While aesthetics are important, performance should take precedence when considering waterproofing. A well-designed and executed waterproofing envelope ensures the building’s longevity and prevents costly repairs, while still allowing for aesthetically pleasing solutions. If functionality is not considered, the aesthetics will not be preserved. Aesthetics are often the first indication of water intrusion, manifesting as cracks, stains, efflorescence, and other visible damage. There is no aesthetics preservation without functionality.
The degradation is going to make it unpleasing and stigmatized. Not to mention potential health concerns and if left untreated structural implications.
It is not uncommon for our firm to encounter builders who have had few building envelope issues with older, traditional construction featuring overhangs. However, when applying the same practices to modern construction, they often experience widespread and systemic problems within the building.
As the waterproofing consultant, California Consultants will collaborate with your architect to design a functional building that also meets the owner’s aesthetic desires.
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